2,674 research outputs found

    Casson-Lin's invariant of a knot and Floer homology

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    A. Casson defined an intersection number invariant which can be roughly thought of as the number of conjugacy classes of irreducible representations of Ο€1(Y)\pi_1(Y) into SU(2)SU(2) counted with signs, where YY is an oriented integral homology 3-sphere. X.S. Lin defined an similar invariant (signature of a knot) to a braid representative of a knot in S3S^3. In this paper, we give a natural generalization of the Casson-Lin's invariant to be (instead of using the instanton Floer homology) the symplectic Floer homology for the representation space (one singular point) of Ο€1(S3βˆ–K)\pi_1(S^3 \setminus K) into SU(2)SU(2) with trace-free along all meridians. The symplectic Floer homology of braids is a new invariant of knots and its Euler number of such a symplectic Floer homology is the negative of the Casson-Lin's invariant.Comment: 22 pages, AmsLaTe

    Cap-prodcut structures on the Fintushel-Stern spectral sequence

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    We show that there is a well-defined cap-product structure on the Fintushel-Stern spectral sequence. Hence we obtain the induced cap-product structure on the {\BZ}_8-graded instanton Floer homology. The cap-product structure provides an essentially new property of the instanton Floer homology, from a topological point of view, which multiplies a finite dimensional cohomology class by an infinite dimensional homology class (Floer cycles) to get another infinite dimensional homology class.Comment: 14 pages, no figure, AmsLaTe

    A monopole homology of integral homology 3-spheres

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    To an integral homology 3-sphere YY, we assign a well-defined Z\Z-graded (monopole) homology MH_*(Y, I_{\e}(\T; \e_0)) whose construction in principle follows from the instanton Floer theory with the dependence of the spectral flow I_{\e}(\T; \e_0), where \T is the unique U(1)-reducible monopole of the Seiberg-Witten equation on YY and \e_0 is a reference perturbation datum. The definition uses the moduli space of monopoles on Y \x \R introduced by Seiberg-Witten in studying smooth 4-manifolds. We show that the monopole homology MH_*(Y, I_{\e}(\T; \e_0)) is invariant among Riemannian metrics with same I_{\e}(\T; \e_0). This provides a chamber-like structure for the monopole homology of integral homology 3-spheres. The assigned function MH_{SWF}: \{I_{\e}(\T; \e_0)\} \to \{MH_*(Y, I_{\e}(\T; \e_0))\} is a topological invariant (as Seiberg-Witten-Floer Theory).Comment: 20 pages, AMSLaTe

    The symplectic Floer homology of the figure eight knot

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    In this paper, we compute the symplectic Floer homology of the figure eight knot. This provides first nontrivial knot with trivial symplectic Floer homology.Comment: LaTeX2e plus AMS style files, 6 page

    A Poincar\'e-Hopf type formula for Chern character numbers

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    For two complex vector bundles admitting a homomorphism with isolated singularities between them, we establish a Poincar\'e-Hopf type formula for the difference of the Chern character numbers of these two vector bundles. As a consequence, we extend the original Poincar\'e-Hopf index formula to the case of complex vector fields (to appear in Mathematische Zeitschrift)Comment: 10 page

    The symplectic Floer homology of composite knots

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    We develop a method of calculation for the symplectic Floer homology of composite knots. The symplectic Floer homology of knots defined in \cite{li} naturally admits an integer graded lifting, and it formulates a filtration and induced spectral sequence. Such a spectral sequence converges to the symplectic homology of knots in \cite{li}. We show that there is another spectral sequence which converges to the Z\Z-graded symplectic Floer homology for composite knots represented by braids.Comment: 28pages, AmsLatex, also available at: http://www.math.okstate.edu/~wli/research/publication.html#recen

    Singular connection and Riemann theta function

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    We prove the Chern-Weil formula for SU(n+1)-singular connections over the complement of an embedded oriented surface in smooth four manifolds. The expression of the representation of a number as a sum of nonvanishing squares is given in terms of the representations of a number as a sum of squares. Using the number theory result, we study the irreducible SU(n+1)-representations of the fundamental group of the complement of an embedded oriented surface in smooth four manifolds.Comment: Latex, 14 page

    On the Generalized Volume Conjecture and Regulator

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    In this paper, by using the regulator map of Beilinson-Deligne on a curve, we show that the quantization condition posed by Gukov is true for the SL_2(C) character variety of the hyperbolic knot in S^3. Furthermore, we prove that the corresponding Cβˆ—\mathbb{C}^{*}-valued closed 1-form is a secondary characteristic class (Chern-Simons) arising from the vanishing first Chern class of the flat line bundle over the smooth part of the character variety, where the flat line bundle is the pullback of the universal Heisenberg line bundle over Cβˆ—Γ—Cβˆ—\mathbb{C}^{*}\times \mathbb{C}^{*}. Based on this result, we give a reformulation of Gukov's generalized volume conjecture from a motivic perspective.Comment: 9 pages, revised version of section 3 of math.GT/0604057, section 3.4 is ne

    Massey Product and Twisted Cohomology of A-infinity Algebras

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    We study the twisted cohomology groups of A∞A_\infty-algebras defined by twisting elements and their behavior under morphisms and homotopies using the bar construction. We define higher Massey products on the cohomology groups of general A∞A_\infty-algebras and establish the naturality under morphisms and their dependency on defining systems. The above constructions are also considered for C∞C_\infty-algebras. We construct a spectral sequence converging to the twisted cohomology groups an show that the higher differentials are given by the A∞A_\infty-algebraic Massey products.Comment: 32 page

    Volume Conjecture, Regulator and SL_2(C)-Character Variety of a Knot

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    In this paper, by using the regulator map of Beilinson-Deligne, we show that the quantization condition posed by Gukov is true for the SL_2(\mathbb{C}) character variety of the hyperbolic knot in S^3. Furthermore, we prove that the corresponding \mathbb{C}^{*}-valued 1-form is a secondary characteristic class (Chern-Simons) arising from the vanishing first Chern class of the flat line bundle over the smooth part of the character variety, where the flat line bundle is the pullback of the universal Heisenberg line bundle over \mathbb{C}^{*}\times \mathbb{C}^{*}. The second part of the paper is to define an algebro-geometric invariant of 3-manifolds resulting from the Dehn surgery along a hyperbolic knot complement in S3S^3. We establish a Casson type invariant for these 3-manifolds. In the last section, we explicitly calculate the character variety of the figure-eight knot and discuss some applications.Comment: 19 pages, this is the revised and corrected versio
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